Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Japanese Garden and Museum in a Chateau

After dinner with Véronique, I played violin for a bit and then we headed out to a nearby chateau that houses a museum and a Japanese garden.

One whole section of the garden was made of statues of musical instruments. 

This was the mirror section.

The whole place was full of statues by Cécile Raynal.

Here's proof that I actually was at a cool chateau with a Japanese garden in Normandy.

This was the post-apocalyptic (post-nuclear?) section of the garden. 

Roses outside of the last section created a striking contrast.

I really want to see how they did this. If it were me I would be a clumsy fool and step on everything I had already done. At least with watercolors they dry and then you can't ruin them. This thing could be ruined with one false step!

There's Véronique out on the bridge!

After walking through the whole garden, we came back to the chateau from the other side.

Inside the chateau we saw an art exhibition of Pierre Antoniucci. This painting was spinning around with another picture of the back. It shocked me the first time I saw it because I turned away and there was new painting when I turned back!

These creepy people were waiting for us out front.

We got to see the sunset in this beautiful place!

I wasn't quite sure what to make of these bushes at first, but finally decided that they represent the maison à colomage.

And that's it. The sun went down and we went home.

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