Another side-trip that I took with Isabelle and Yann was to Lacoste, a tiny village on the side of a mountain near Aix-en-Provence. (Like Bonnieux)
When we climbed to the top, we saw this fantastic statue right next to the castle on the top of the mountain.
On our way up, we stopped to ask an old man where to go and he gave us a tour of the town. He explained that there is an American art school there that sends lots of students every year to study in France. I felt it might be rude to take a picture of him, so I took a picture of his cute, little canine friend instead.
He showed us all around!
Down there in the valley, there is a small farm where the American art students can live. Local farmers usually rent out the fields though.
There were windows like this all over with friendly flowers peeping out.
I'm not sure what the flags were for, but they certainly looked nice against the blue sky.
At the top by the castle...
Isabelle waving by her favorite statue
...and me with my Pinocchio arms.
Thanks, Lily.