This is a sort of mishmash of photos from around Christmas in Toulon.
This was one of our dinners at home around Christmas. It looked so pretty and well-arranged that I had to take a picture. The meat is duck.
While we were in Toulon, we went to the Christmas market. It was even bigger and prettier than the one in Rouen and it had a huge Crèche with santons that were animated.
Maria took me to a chapel on a hill above Cuers. There was a big compass built into the ground there with signs for North, South, East and West with descriptions of the cities in those directions. They had Niagara falls on one!
Whenever I see animals when I'm out and about I get homesick for my puppies.
This is the port of Toulon.
When we got there, we arrived just in time to see a women walk towards the edge of the port and fall into the water! She was stuck in the water attached to the wall by her pants. Luckily, there was a group of men nearby who rushed towards her and pulled her out before I even had time to think of what to do. The men were from Iran and only spoke a little English, so I translated for her afterwards. She must have been so cold in her went clothes!
The town hall of Toulon looked very Christmas-y despite the palm tree out front.
This is a typical Buche de Noel that all of the bakeries sell.
One thing I love about Christmas in France is that all of the cities, even very small towns, have elaborate lights set up all over.
That night we made mussels for Pierre. He loves them and he polished off the bowl in short order.
Thanks for another great post, Lily. No pictures of the wet lady? Too bad! ;-)